Before I jump into the best week ever.. I have a question for you all! If you had to describe me as an animal.. what animal would you pick? please keep your answer confidential and send your response to me directly.. no discussing it until next week.. deal? Thanks in advance! This is a serious request. It sounds like you all had a lovely spring break! I had no idea that it was spring break.. so crazy.. California, karate, horses.. sounds like you're living lives full of blessings from the Lord. Don't forget to thank Him! :)
We had permission to hike early this morning and it was so awesome! I've picked up a faster walking pace.. a perk of missionary work.. so hiking has become even more entertaining! We decided to do the same hike that I did back for the New Years sunrise hike.. i have no idea how we survived.. really! We went after studies. so the sun was already up and shining, the snow and ice has melted.. so I was able to see the path and all the rocks and ridges.. it is a miracle we all survived before! I really wanted to listen to music while we hiked.. so i carried our dvd player in my backpack and played church music up the whole mountain.. you better believe the mountain hiking harmonies and hadabogees were dancing along to the "stand in the Light" album!! hahah it was so fun! Much better than hiking in -20 degree weather! I wouldn't say it is officially spring yet.. but we are just around the corner! I am so excited.. and so done wearing a big black puffy coat.
Okay.. really.. now for the best week ever-
Even though I love learning Korean.. despite the difficulty.. It is such a relief to teach our investigator family (with the Jamaican father and Korean (but fluent in English) wife..) in English... and it led me to loving Korean even more! My life is full of experiences.. I never considered my life to be a boring life.. but it wasn't until I was with a companion all the time.. talking.. getting to really know and trust one another.. when I realized how many stories I have to tell.. and the best part.. all of these experiences relate to the Gospel. I am so grateful for all the opportunities I have had in my life to strengthen.. and even gain my testimony. We have specific lessons that we are required to memorize in order to pass of certified teacher.. so.. when I did that as a greenie.. I got realllllly good at saying those sentences.. and somewhere in the shuffle..I forgot that I was personally called to serve in Korea.. with all those stories. So Although I was sharing these faith building testimonies with my companions.. I never shared them with investigators. and then.. we were teaching our investigators in English.. and I had the opportunity to share one of the greatest testimony building experiences of my life..and it hit me.. so instead of working on master teaching the nest day during language study.. i wrote a personal experience in Korean.. and you'll never guess what happened?? later.. in an appointment.. the topic randomly led to what I had studied.. and there is nothing life looking an investigator in the eyes and being able to testify, with nothing doubting.. that I know that what I'm saying.. something that isn't memorized.. is true. Since that first moment last monday after our appointment with the English speaking family.. this situation has popped up countless times in our work here in Uijeoungbu.. They aren't moments that you can prepare for.. ones that I've been able to write down and prepare for.. ones that we can't role play in comp studies or in language studies.. but they have all come from those wonderful experiences of my life.. and the companionship of the Holy Ghost. I know that this is why we must always treasure up the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. Take advantage of every opportunity He blesses us with.. and especially take all the chances we get to share those experiences.. I know that as we do so.. our testimonies can be strengthened and grow.. I am so amazed by how much learning Korean has strengthened my testimony of this Gospel.. and not just because I now believe in the Gift of tongues.
Family.. you have all been given the experiences in your life for a reason.. figure out why.. learn from them.. and most importantly, share them. Our investigators are teaching me so much more than I am teaching them.. and I know that you can do the same for all those around you!.
I know He LIVES! We have the opportunity to have the new Church Easter video.. it's coming out.. and it's so amazing.. i can't wait for you all to help us spread it to the world! Make me proud this week! I love you all!
All my love and prayers,
Sister Willcox
relief society quest!! |
heart attacking less actives |
random couch we found |
Still my fav girl! |
our english class is so popping!! SO MANY PEOPLE!!! |
our cute investigator! |
Cute ward mission leader's daughter, Seoyeonhg! |
hahaha ugly boy...but best hike! |
peak with Sister An! |
top of the mountain! |
The Korean Chef! |
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