I am not sure how it goes in other missions.. but the Korea Seoul Mission is a Mom (trainer) and daughter (trainee) mission. It might sound weird to others.. but I have called her Oma more than by her name.. and she has called me Dar more than sister Willcox. Transfer calls were this last Saturday and even though we already felt as if we were going to be split up.. it didn't make the phone call any easier.. my mom is leaving me.. to greenie break another sister in my district!! THE BACKSTAB! hahah To say I am a little jealous is an understatement.. We have been together through so much! I've said it before.. and those of you who have served a mission understand this.. but missionary work isn't something that you can describe.. no matter how hard I try.. sure.. there are a lot of cliche phrases that I am sure I could throw around.. but none of them would do it justice.. so I usually just end up saying it's good.. it's life-changing.. it's hard.. blah blah rewarding. But in all honesty, it really is just too expansive to narrow down into a paragraph of description.. But if I were to pick one sentence to describe missionary work form this last week.. It would be impossible to do anything without a companion! I am not entirely positive.. but I believe I've mentioned a few absolutely ridiculous stories with this Sister/Mom of mine.. like her all of a sudden SPRINTING after a bike and running faster than I have ever (even to this day) seen her run.. and without questioning anything... I found myself sprinting after her.. (We ended up chasing an investigator).. or all the times I snuck her the food I just couldn't eat at meals with investigators or members houses.. All the times we've cried together either from being overcome with the spirit.. the hardness of Korean/missionary work.. all the broken sentences.. going to a bath house together.. She's my companion. And because I don't know any better.. I could swear (if I did) that she was my eternal companion! How lucky was I to be the only one to receive a Korean companion amongst the sisters of my district ! how absolutely inspired was it.. that Her grandfather knew our family.. sealed dad and Oma... We saw so many miracles.. prayed an infinite amount of times.. I don't exactly know what I'm going to do without her.. but I do know that I trust my President.. that I trust Heavenly Father.. that they love their missionaries.. and that my new companion ( ANOTHER KOREAN!! IT NEVER HAPPENS! THERE ARE ONLY 60 SISTER MISSIONARIES AND EVEN LESS KOREAN SISTERS.. SO TO BE COMPANIONS WITH 2 IN A ROW IS A MIRACLE! I feel so so so blessed... It has multiplied my Korean learning abilities.. and I just really cannot express my gratitude enough!))) will be another blessing in my life! okay okay.. enough of this sob story.. she's sitting right next to me and i'd rather not cry.. again.
Well.. I know you're all curious.. what with the picture I sent you!!!! But Hadobogee came to church this week.. to our WARD! It's 20 minutes away... and I wasn't expecting him! It was the most pleasant surprise! He initially committed to only coming to church once a month.. but he has made it 3 times in a row now!! he even came home early from His home town to make it to church and to our appointment Saturday night! He is chugging along and i am so glad that I wasn't transferred away from here and can continue to teach Him! He is the sweetest and has the best more kind personality.. Please pray for him! As for our other investigators.. SO awesome! I feel a little intimidated by the fact that I have to show the ropes around to my new companion.. but I know that we've also got the Lord working with us.. we are working with 2 of them for baptisms this month.. soo... keep them in your prayers as well! (we are encouraged not to mention names// which stinks.. but... you should always be praying for investigators and missionaries anyways.. right ;))
I love you all.. we are going to the Temple tomorrow.. soo... less time.. sorry.. but I love you all and will get better at emailing.. I promise! Please continue to come unto Christ..t o focus on that which matters most.. and continue to strengthen your testimonies!!
All my love,
Sister Willcox
ps... as for an update on the tongue.. it's healing nicely.. i've bitten my tongue a thousand times.. but... it's weird how much longer it is. hahahah! hahahahhaha wait.. I actually have to share this really fast.. imagine me.. numb tongue.. acutely aware of everything else... see scissors... oh my BRAIN COLD. it was so creepy and I kept squirming in my chair with him charging me with scissors.. and they just kept yelling Korean at me and I had no clue what they were saying and it was by far the scariest moments of my life.. they gave me a toothbrush to grip and it broke. so there's that.
also.. the new years hike pictures i sent.. we woke up at 4 and went on the most beautiful hike.. the pictures don't do it justice.. and i was completely inadequately prepared.. i had 4 layers of bottoms and 4 layers on top.. but it was -20 and 89 wind humidity.. especially on top of the \mountain.. i thought I was going to die. literally... it was SO COLD. there was snow.. and we had to scale the mountain.. but we made it up without any harm.. everyone else fell.. except yours truly. HAPPY NEW YEARS!
so bloody cold! |
soo pretty! |
so cold, my water bottle froze in my pocket |
beautiful, freezing Seoul |
I look scary...but the coolest 6 am hike to a natural spring! |
grandpa and the fam at church!! the biggest sunday miracle! |
the mom who warmed me up! |
oh my the coldest day of my life, but the best NEW YEARS EVER!!! |
hiking with the district! |
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